LinkedIn Learning Photo

LinkedIn Higher Learning

LinkedIn Learning is free--just activate your account using your Lincoln email and log in!

LinkedIn Learning is an online video platform that provides access to thousands of courses and tutorials taught by experts and industry leaders. All full-time faculty and staff have full member access to use LinkedIn Learning to learn a new subject or brush up on an existing skill.

With LinkedIn Learning, you get:

  • Unlimited access. Choose from more than 5,000 video tutorials covering business, technology, software, and creative skills – from beginner to advanced. Software tutorials include products widely used at Lincoln University such as Microsoft Office and Adobe's suite of products.
  • Expert instructors. Learn from industry leaders, all in one place. Convenient learning. Complete courses at your own pace, from any desktop or mobile device. Your progress is saved so you can pick up where you left off.
  • Bite-size learning. All LinkedIn Learning courses are broken into short videos, so you can focus on a key topic of interest. Watching small snippets of longer courses helps you gain knowledge across numerous subjects. Helpful resources. Reinforce new knowledge with quizzes, exercise files, and coding practice windows.


Ready to start?  Current employees will receive a LinkedIn Learning welcome email. As part of the on-boarding process for new full-time faculty or staff members, Human Resources will initiate the LinkedIn Learning welcome email. Full-time faculty or staff members who did not receive the welcome email may request activation.


The LinkedIn Learning initiative is a collaboration among the Office of Human Resources (HR), Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL), and the Office of Information Technology (IT). For assistance, email


This professional development initiative aligns with the University’s Strategic Plan:

  • Theme One: Build a Culture that Supports Student Success
    • Objective 3: Design and deliver or procure training and professional development programs that support employees in developing skills which reflect institutional values and behavior (e.g. customer service, communication and collaboration, team building)